Thursday, March 29, 2007
07:54 PM

Look - the background changed! Very Nice, Mom S

Monday, January 22, 2007
05:48 PM

Hi Beth, James, & Alea! i love reading your blogs :) Motherhood is such a trip, but such a great one! i understand about the sleep...Alex didn't sleep through the night until he was only 9 months and that was only because Adam made me let him cry through the night. Longest 4 days of my life! Alea is adorable! I can't believe that she is going to be 1 yr old so soon--time flies!! love ya, Jenn

Thursday, December 07, 2006
01:56 PM

Hey James, it's Alan Liddell from Performance back in "the day" is everything going for you? Things are going well on my end, I am now currently living in Layton, Utah pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering! I just recently got married too! Please check out my myspace at ... please let me know how everything is going! I hope all is well, and I miss ya brother! Take care!

Monday, November 20, 2006
06:37 PM

hey guys, alea is getting to be sooo big and cute. i read a little of your web page (hey beth - i don't go to bed before 9 - i don't need to as i fall asleep on the couch - reading - watching tv - sewing - so don't feel to bad.) keeping busy at work. talk to your mom every so often. do miss the family even after all this time. have a happy thanksgiving. love Aunt Suzanne

Sunday, November 05, 2006
07:39 AM

Alea's rock and rollin now! Look out, crawlin and climbin is next. Nana

Saturday, October 28, 2006
09:34 PM

What a cute little "pumpkin". Nana

Thursday, October 19, 2006
07:16 AM

Oh, how I miss my baby neice! She is growing way too fast!!! It has truly been a blessing to have this wonderful and beautiful addition to our family! Mike and I have been taking careful notes on the do's and don'ts of parenting and I've learned lots from Beth's experiences as a mommy. The scariest part has to be the childbirth. Seeing her go through that was very emotional. She is truly a trooper! Beth is the 2nd best mom on the face of this earth--of course, the first being my own mother! Love, Aunty Kelly (Hugs and kisses to my Chunky Monkey!)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
07:10 AM

You have to love that little "pumpkin face"! Nana

Monday, September 25, 2006
06:32 AM

Oh Beth, Oh how I agree with and have been experiencing everything you have written about over the past weeks. Angst about being a working Mom and all. But today, your post brought tears to my eyes. I am feeling the same struggle. I complain about being *fat* and literally look to see if Julia heard me even though she is too young to understand. I would love to talk to you soon so we could share new Mom struggles (and joys!). I can't get to my OSU email right now for your phone number. I'll call you soon though! Take care and hi to James and Alea, Amy Harley

Thursday, September 21, 2006
11:56 AM

Hi! Work was slow so I spent some time catching up with your family. This web site is wonderful. Work may be a bit slow but all the church and club things that I volunteer for are gearing up for new beginnings. Unlike most people, I come to work to veg out and hide from all the other stuff in my life. I hear that Kelly and Mike bought a new house and info was sent via e-mail. I didn't get anything so if you could pass on my address,, I would appreciate it. Well, phone's ringing and they probably expect it to be answered. Go figure! Barb

Tuesday, August 01, 2006
06:56 PM

A special Happy Half to our Granddaughter, Alea. We are enjoying being Alea's Grandfather and Nana. She still has a lot of work ahead of her getting her parents trained but we know she is up to the task. One very savy little girl.

Friday, July 07, 2006
08:49 PM

hi guys, i am home alone baby sitting all the grandkids while the other adults went to see pirates - i have to get up early cause i am opening the store tomorrow at nine and the show started at nine and i would never make it. enjoyed the pics of alea. she sure is a cutey - i was just sorry that i was sick when i was in ohio so didn't even get to hold her. oh well that is life. am feeling better now. would give you my email address well maybe i will try i think that is what it is as i never email myself. well this is my first excursion on the internet so will go and see what else i can find. love aunt suzanne

Friday, May 12, 2006
03:40 PM

Hey there, just used your Corrado hood release guide to successfully (sp?) fix my non opening hood, and it works like a dream !! Many thanks to you and yours. by the way, the paypal button at the bottom of the page doesn't work. I was gonna buy you a heineken or something haha. CJ

Friday, May 05, 2006
08:39 AM

Okay - why aren't there any pictures of Nana with Alea? Isn't she allowed to hold her? Dosen't she like Alea? Does Alea like Nana? What gives?

Saturday, April 15, 2006
06:37 PM

Simbro. Why don't you come down to C-town and have a boys night out at Kahoots with Childers, Masters, Garland, and me?  Leib

Thursday, February 16, 2006
09:52 AM

Welcome Alea! You are beautifully crafted and wonderfully made! Congratulations Beth and James. Alea is truly God's little gift. I'm so excited and happy for the both of you! Be blessed and take care! Cenell Munford-Clark and family Alliance, Ohio.

Sunday, February 12, 2006
08:46 PM

Congratulations on your new baby! She is BEAUTIFUL!!!! -Bethany (

Thursday, February 09, 2006
10:29 AM

Congratulations!!! We got back from Belize last night and heard the good, no, GREAT News of Alea's arrival. Welcome to the family, Alea. Your cousins will be soooo glad to have a GIRL to play with. Great Aunt Pat and Uncle Al can't wait to see you. Blessings and don't grow up too fast. Love, Aunt Pat and Uncle Al

Tuesday, February 07, 2006
10:30 AM

Welcome to the world, baby girl! Good job, Beth! Congradulations to you all! I can't wait to see her in person. Your cousin, Leila (forgot to include my e-mail address)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006
10:29 AM

Welcome to the world, baby girl! Good job, Beth! Congradulations to you all! I can't wait to see her in person. Your cousin, Leila

Tuesday, February 07, 2006
07:44 AM

This is my first visit to your web site but now I've added it to my favorites! Way to go Beth and James. Alea is beautiful!I'm sorry she has problems right now but am praying for all of you. Love you all and can't wait to see Alea in person. Proud great-aunt Barb.

Sunday, February 05, 2006
07:13 AM

Beautiful baby.....beautiful mom & wonderful to see such a happy family.......I have printed out pix of mom & baby for the refrigerator and to take to cousin's day for all to see..... Love.....Natoma & Bud

Sunday, February 05, 2006
07:08 AM

beautiful baby....beautiful mom & dad.... how wonderful to see such a happy family. I printed out the pix of beth & baby for the refrig.. Also to take to cousins day.

Sunday, February 05, 2006
02:08 AM

Congrats on the new one. You know Sandy and Jim think they are too young to have grand kids. Earl Lang

Friday, February 03, 2006
10:20 AM

Babe and mom look great but where is proud daddy...another blessing of a small won't get back aches from holding her too long. Sarah in Hillsboro

Thursday, February 02, 2006
08:18 AM

Awesome! Congratulations! John Kirchmeyer

Thursday, February 02, 2006
07:51 AM

James and Beth and Precious Baby Angel Alea! Congradulations! Hope that mother and daughter are resting after the grand entry into your lives. This newest of angels will light up your lives beyond belief. May God bless you as you guide your daughter through her life. Let the joys of parenthood begin! Hope that one day soo we will meet both mother and daughter. James you are a blessed man. Cheryl and Thomas Fehring Cincinnati Ohio

Wednesday, February 01, 2006
08:58 PM

Congratulations and welcome to Alea! Hope to see you soon. Jim and Cathy Ault Portland, Oregon

Thursday, December 15, 2005
11:13 PM

Apparently, having these names are popular! Look at the entry from August 22, 2005

Thursday, December 15, 2005
11:11 PM

You will get a kick out of this. I noticed your picture at Less than a year later, a similar photo was taken of a similary named couple at a similar place. (photo on right) -James

Monday, December 12, 2005
06:19 PM

Beth and James. This is your long lost friend, Jeremy and Dana from Tucson. I want to send you guys a christmas card, but don't know where to send it. Send me an email at with your contact information. We need to catch up! Jeremy and Dana Davis

Wednesday, November 30, 2005
03:18 PM

Hello Beth & James! It was great to see you in Columbus over the Thanksgiving weekend! We're so happy for you guys. What a lucky little baby! I love the website. You'll have to email me your new address! Maybe I'm not looking close enough, but I couldn't find it! Take Care, Love, Jill & Bill Krause

Tuesday, October 11, 2005
08:26 PM

Congratulations on the baby....If its a boy, I think Randall Brian Simbro is a great name. I like the house, too. Randy Simbro Orange County, CA

Friday, September 30, 2005
09:38 AM

The back ground is better. Now to get the other stuff up to date. Mother

Monday, August 22, 2005
02:43 PM

Hi Beth & James, this is Beth from the UK, i hope you dont mind me saying hi, i was just browsing the net and thought it would be fun to type in mine and my husbands name (Beth & James ) and i came up with your site, you look a lovely couple, hope things are well and contiue to be so All the best from the U.K. Beth & James email -

Monday, August 22, 2005
02:42 PM

Hi Beth & James, this is Beth from the UK, i hope you dont mind me saying hi, i was just browsing the net and thought it would be fun to type in mine and my husbands name (Beth & James ) and i came up with your site, you look a lovely couple, hope things are well and contiue to be so All the best from the U.K. Beth & James

Thursday, August 04, 2005
02:52 PM

hi beth and james, it was fun to read your update today :) i'm glad beth is feeling better--morning sickness is no fun( tho i think they should call it all-day sickness!!) zoe is a cute addition to your family! love ya, jenn talbot

Saturday, July 09, 2005
11:49 AM

hey beth and james! cousin erin here. with as many posts as you guys get in your guestbook i bet you check it every day! ha!ha! i hadn't been in awhile to your website so it was nice to see the new stuff. i was wondering though, are we going to get a photo journal of beth's "condition" as the months go by? just thought i'd put that idea out there....congrats again on the new addition and keep keeping us posted on the latest!!!! luv

Thursday, June 02, 2005
06:54 AM

Hi Beth! Carey passed along the website in an email and I dropped by. I can't believe how long it's been since we were last in touch. My email address is if you want to drop me a line and/or get inundated with baby pictures, lol. Hope to talk to you soon! - Katie

Friday, April 22, 2005
07:15 AM

Hi guys, Just drank some coffee with the Simbro gang this morning. I was working at station 19 yesterday, and couldn't leave without saying hello. I just heard about your move, welcome back to Ohio. Hope everything is going great for you guys. Mike Biedenharn PS. Dave Baer's dad died yesterday.I don't know his home address, but the shop is 3030 North High St. 43202

Tuesday, August 17, 2004
07:56 AM

Beth, I was cleaning out old web favorite addresses and ran across this one and decided to browse once again. I worked with you very briefly at Scioto Country Club back a couple of summers ago... right before you had left for Maryland... Your hair has gotten so long! I see you have had a very full life over the past couple of years. Congrats on getting married, buying a home and moving back to Ohio. Me, I'm still in Hilliard, no longer bartending (at least for employment purposes) - working full time during the day raising 3 kids. Seems like you and James have lived a lifetime of events in the past two years. I enjoyed visiting your website and reading the stories of your adventures. Look me up sometime if you have a chance. I'd love to touch base. Joyce (

Monday, July 26, 2004
09:04 AM

Beth and James, Just checked out the photos of your new home and it looks great. I am anxious to see it first hand. How exciting! Best of luck with the move. Ann Flaherty

Saturday, May 22, 2004
12:34 AM

Hello, Just surfed in, enjoyed your photos of Paris. I am actually about 4.5 hours away from Paris, stationed in Germany in the Air Force. nice site, best of luck to you both. Jeff

Friday, April 16, 2004
03:49 PM

Hello! Karl and Helen D. here. We will see you at the wedding along with Ruth Lang. Best wishes.

Sunday, March 07, 2004
05:45 AM

Hi Beth! This is the artist formally known as Amy Guntle, now successful veterinary intern Lieve Kamholz DVM currently residing in Indianapolis, IN. To contact me write to, I work everyday! and can therefore check my email on a very, very regular basis. 03/07/04.

Thursday, January 22, 2004
07:12 PM

Hello Beth and James, Finally pulled up the website. Yes, it is very impressive!! I do feel quite honoured that your Mother, my sister, has asked me to help her with her dress!!! She wants to make a "stunning" appearance. I think we will keep the dress a secret along with the Bride's dress!! Hope the both of you are staying warm. Sandy says the 'cuddle duds' are a life saver. I am going to get myself some too. Do I need to tell you about our need for three rooms for Saturday night at the hotel? They will be for Karen, Jill and Marc and boys and for Al and myself. It sounds like the party will go on forever since you aren't leaving for Florida until Sunday. Thought we might take in some of the tourist things in Columbus on Sunday, like COSI and the Art Museum. We do wish you both the very best that the future can give. Blessings, Aunt Pat

Saturday, October 18, 2003
08:12 AM

we are beth and james too - we've been married for over 4 years - we wish you much happiness - good luck with the weding plans.

Monday, September 15, 2003
05:19 PM


Friday, May 16, 2003
08:00 PM

Me too...vwvortex. You don't have a page dedicated to your car? Shame on you fellow Corrado owner <g>

Friday, May 16, 2003
03:48 PM

stumbled onto the site from looking forward to the Corrado hood release "how to" ;)

Monday, April 07, 2003
08:10 PM

Jimmy, Chris Dean here. I guess your mother got hold of my parents about the Clintonville Electric thing and mom told me about your site. I haven't seen you since 8th grade. How are you doing? Glad to here you are getting married. I myself am about to celebrate my 11th wedding anniversary. My two little girls are the result of that happy marriage. I wish you two the best and hope you have a wonderful life together. Next time you are in town give me a ring. Best Wishes, Chris Dean 282 N. Washington Street Delaware, Ohio 43015 740-369-9057

Friday, April 04, 2003
11:08 AM

James and Beth, Hey! Very nice site! Sandy just gave me your info and I thought I'd stop by and say hi. I hope you both have a wonderful weekend. Becky (Rine), Brian and our boy, Zachery.. we are:

Wednesday, February 05, 2003
07:22 PM

Simbrolicious..... How the heck are you kids? I hope all is well. Jen and I got married on schedule on Nov.23 and managed to buy a house in Arlington (just down the street from the Masters residence). Everyone in Columbus is doing well. I'm in Phoenix playing cars with Bridgestone, as well as spending a few days teaching at the Bondurant School. Big fun. Anyway, we'll look forward to seeing you soon. Bridgestone has an event planned in DC this spring. I'll try to get you in a session if you're interested. Give me a call sometime. Brian Leib

Tuesday, February 04, 2003
08:19 AM

Grandma Wright enjoyed your pictures and all your holidays. I am fine and looking forward to spring. This is the first winter, spending it home instead of Fla., that has really been like the old fashion winters we had 20 years ago. Hope you, James and Ed are enjoying good health. I'm fine but Grandpa Sonny fell last week and has been really suffering with his neck and back but like all men won't go to the doctor, oh well guess he will just have to suffer. Take care of yourselves and Ed and God Bless. Love you all. Grandma W.

Saturday, February 01, 2003
01:45 PM

hi, i love your site, is this something that you have to pay for? joe is taking web design in school and i think it would be neat for him to set one up for the family. i am glad to hear that ed is better, i know how stressfull that can be. hope you and james are doing good. love yz

Friday, January 10, 2003
01:22 PM

ellen priess(optician from columbus--friend of Jim's parents)

Friday, November 08, 2002
07:29 AM

It sure was fun to see you, beth, and to meet james and ed for the first time!! i just wish that we could have seen a little more of each other. i do really enjoy keeping updated though on your website!! jenn

Friday, October 04, 2002
05:50 PM

Hey forgot to give my email Earl Lang (941) 833-8359 Punta Gorda, Fl

Friday, October 04, 2002
05:47 PM

James, I bet you don't remember the time I knocked you on your ass for biting me. Sorry, it was a reflex action. I was sitting on the front porch talking to your dad and you came through the door and just glommed down on my leg. I just back handed you back into the living room. You were younger then, so was I. Need some advise. A bike shop is for sale here in Punta Gorda. I'm working for them pretending to be a mechanic, learning as I go. But I think it is fun, and like doing it. What advise can you offer? I just invited your mom and dad down to visit, but they probably won't make it till next year. We have a spare bedroom with bath thay you and Beth are welcome to. Write or call and I will bring you up to date, on Scott and Steve. the gypsies, Earl and Karen

Friday, September 27, 2002
07:28 PM

Pictures of a guy in a cheerleading outfit -- and the web cam is G rated -- with a password. You make the call!

Tuesday, September 24, 2002
07:08 PM

Beth I hate you for putting that picture there, but it's one hell of a conversation piece

Tuesday, September 17, 2002
08:35 AM

Hey, those great blimp pictures - WHERE TAKEN BY MOM!

Saturday, August 31, 2002
08:51 AM

Dad and Kev say Hi, I'm home for the weekend and Dad doesn't know bout the INTRANET so I'm just writing a message here. Hope the move went extremely well!! Email me at sometime and lemme know everything. Love, Kevin and Dad

Wednesday, August 28, 2002
09:20 AM

Hey Beth, Great site! I'm sorry to see you leave Scioto CC. It has been great working with you. All the best on you future endeavors... I know you'll do awesome! Never knew you had a pug! I bought one for my dad years ago (Troubles, he past on about 5 years ago); best pet we ever had! Keep in touch! Joyce M.

Tuesday, August 27, 2002
12:29 PM

Dad C, are you sweating more WITHOUT your beard? How embarrassing Halle Berry caught you all sweaty...

Tuesday, August 27, 2002
10:02 AM

Good luck with your relocation. Sorry we didn't have a chance to ride together this year. Stay in touch. Richard.

Monday, August 26, 2002
02:14 PM

You need more pictures of Dad C. He looks hot without his beard. — Halle Berry

Saturday, August 17, 2002
07:40 AM

This web site is a great idea, it is too cute! I am happy for you guys! James, Congratulations on finding such a great lady! Smart and pretty! I am sure you will convert her to a VW owner one day too (if she is not already). Best of luck on the move! Renee (a former Corrado owner)

Tuesday, July 30, 2002
01:03 PM

James & Beth, Sandy, James' mother, directed me here. James and I lived together for 3 weeks right before I finished my graduate work at OSU. James congratulations on the move and Beth. I'm glad to see you so happy! Ed is absolutely adorable. Husband was raised with pugs and we are currently on the waiting list for the Pug rescue of Pug-et Sound. Wishing you all the best!!! Nichoel Baird Spencer

Saturday, July 27, 2002
05:06 PM

Beth and James are the biggest dorks I know. Therefore, they are perfect for eachother!! I can't wait until James is an official member of our family. I adore him. I've never seen Beth so happy and that is priceless to me. I wish these lovebirds all the luck in the world! Love, Kelly!!!!

Tuesday, July 09, 2002
09:53 PM

Beth I didn't know that you were so young I just assumed that you were older than myself. I wish you both well

Friday, July 05, 2002
07:51 PM

Greetings from Tucson. Great site, it gives us an opportunity to meet Beth. Kinda'.. Take care of yourselves and good luck!..Jeremy and Dana

Saturday, June 15, 2002
12:33 PM

You will notice some dates have been added to your calender. Sandy

Thursday, June 13, 2002
10:51 AM

Very fun. I will have to supply you with more pix of Kevin.. Have a safe and fun trip in the Big Apple! Love you both, MOM C

Wednesday, May 15, 2002
04:05 PM

Woo hoo, James! Our ultimate goal has been accomplished...we've made Tim vomit!! :) Beth

Monday, May 13, 2002
02:14 PM

Hi. This is Amy. Tim and I just looked at this and he's running down to the bathroom to vomit! :-) Amy & Tim

Sunday, May 12, 2002
07:15 PM

Hi Beth . . .we just wanted to say hi . . . Mark and Karen Goff

Sunday, May 12, 2002
06:29 PM

Very interesting website, well done. Looking forward to more updates and pix. Ann Flaherty

Sunday, May 12, 2002
01:33 PM

Hey guys! Very cute web page. I suspected that Ed called all the shots! Do you think he would let you come out to play soon? Have him call our people. See ya soon, Amy & Craig

Thursday, May 09, 2002
10:02 AM

Beth, you need more Kevin on this website!

Wednesday, May 08, 2002
08:00 PM

woof woof

Tuesday, May 07, 2002
11:23 AM

Ed is the soooo cute!!!!!!

Friday, May 03, 2002
07:16 AM

James, You're awesome! Thanks for updating our site and procuring me a bike! (Though you'll not have to pedal very fast to keep pace with me!) Love, Beth

